This module provides an introduction to ladder logic programming techniques using PLCLogix 5000 simulation software, which is based on Rockwell’s Studio 5000/RSLogix 5000 PLC programming software The lab component of the module provides the student with an opportunity to write ladder logic programs and test their operation through PLC simulation. Topics covered in the module include I/O instructions, safety circuitry, programming restrictions, I/O addressing, FORCE instructions and bit status flags.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Define ladder logic.
- Convert relay logic schematics to ladder logic.
- Write a ladder logic program using PLCLogix.
- Define the terms examine on and examine off.
- Explain the purpose of a latching relay instruction.
- Differentiate between a branch and a nested branch.
- Describe the basic types of controller scan.
- Differentiate between task scan time and controller scan time.
- Describe the use of Force instructions in PLC applications.
- Explain why safety circuitry is important in ladder logic systems.
- Explain the purpose of bit status flags.